News Archive

A Shrewsbury Story: Diana’s Family

Keen to learn more about our incredible community, we speak to a Shrewsbury family every month to find out about their journey, their aspiration and their hopes for the future. This month is the turn of Diana’s family - this is their story:

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“Keen to find a school that balanced academic commitment with a commitment to personal development, we joined Shrewsbury in 2021. Having looked at many of the available options, it became clear to us that it was a school like no other. We are enormously proud to be members of such a close-knit school community.”

“Relationship building and student well-being is at the heart of every interaction we have had with the school. Staff are exceptionally professional and deeply nurturing - they really care about our daughter.”

“The standard of Chinese instruction is excellent. The work set is both challenging and of a native standard. During her time at Shrewsbury, Diana has developed great confidence in her bilingualism.”

“It’s easy to become absorbed by the fast pace of life in Hong Kong, so we do our best to ensure that we take time to appreciate the incredible beauty of the region as often as possible. From hiking trails to beaches and barbeque spots, we love it all!”

Huge thanks to Mia and Tommy for participating. To learn more about the relationships we share, please click here.
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