
We serve freshly cooked hot food made on site by a catering team based in the main kitchen beside our purpose built Dining Hall. Students and staff at Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong eat together, side by side, stimulating discussion and ensuring a positive experience for all.

We work closely with partner Chartwells to provide a wide variety of nutritious and freshly-cooked meals. Our open seating area allows us to encourage increasing levels of independence among our students. Menus are prepared in accordance with the school’s Healthy Eating Policy and include a selection of Western, Chinese and Vegetarian dishes.

By encouraging self-selection and communal dining we are able to:

  • Educate - information is provided to ensure that students are able to make informed decisions
  • Engage - students are encouraged to explore new food, to discuss their preferences and to consider alternatives
  • Enjoy - lunchtimes at Shrewsbury are relaxed and enjoyable experiences during which students eat considerately and consciously
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Get in touch

+852 2480 1500

