We know how important it is to find the right international school for your child and care deeply about the ambitions and interests of each family we meet. School tours allow parents the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the values that stand at the heart of a Shrewsbury education, engage with members of our community and explore our purpose-built facilities.
Our Admissions Team is always ready to speak directly with parents who want to find out more about the unique advantages of a Shrewsbury education and we offer a wide range of tour options to groups and individuals, hosted both physically and digitally.
Applications can be submitted at any time and will be supported individually. Student meetings can be hosted in person and on campus, or remotely and digitally.
For a full copy of our Admissions Policy click here.
Those keen to learn more are encouraged to contact our Admissions Team via or on +852 2480 1500. Our campus is open between 08:00 and 17:30, Monday to Friday.