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It is with great excitement that we are able to announce the new names for our six House Teams.
It is with great excitement that we are able to announce the new names for our six House Teams.
Following extensive consultation with students, new titles have been hotly anticipated. Initially named in honour of Founding Graduates, House Teams will now be connected to the names of flowering plants indigenous to Hong Kong.
Anise House, Balsam House, Bauhinia House, Hook House, Hutch House and Krasser House have all been given distinctive new logos which mirror their floral inspiration.
"House allocation is a growing part of what it means to be a Shrewsbury student. Awarded upon entry to the Primary School, they drive greater camaraderie and stoke healthy competition." Mr Ben Keeling, Principal
Anise House (formerly Chen) has been named after Illicium Dunnianum, a flowering plant with fruit that can be used as a spice.
Balsam House (formerly Lo) has been named after Impatiens Hongkongensis, a perennial herb that grows along stream beds.
Bauhinia House (formerly Chau) has been named after a genus of more than 500 species of flowering plants in the Cercidiodeae family.
Hook House (formerly Choi) has been named after Rhodoleia Championii, a flowering tree whose natural population is found in Aberdeen.
Hutch House (formerly Wu) has been named after Dendrobenthamia Hongkongensis, a small and rare evergreen tree found in forests.
Krasser House (formerly Lian) has been named after Barthea Barthei, a small shrub that flowers widely in April.