News Archive

A Shrewsbury Story: Hana's Family

Keen to learn more about our incredible community, we speak to a Shrewsbury family every month to find out about their journey, their aspiration and their hopes for the future. This month is the turn of Hana's family - this is their story:


"We joined Shrewsbury in September 2021, during the middle of the pandemic. We were based in the UK and were seeking a school that would be able to support a smooth transition and encourage Hana to broaden her interests. Although our search was conducted digitally, the quality of the interactions we shared with the team made it clear to us that Shrewsbury was our school."

"The accessibility and professionalism of staff, caring culture, and the consistent focus on the children's wellbeing contribute to the continued growth of the school community. The 'small school' feeling at Shrewsbury has allowed us to make some great life-long friends!"

"Regular events hosted both on and off campus allow parents to pick and choose what works for them. Participating as and when we can has definitely enhanced our school experience and I recommend new members of the community to connect where time permits."

"We love Hong Kong. The diverse population, food and cultural experiences available make it a great place to raise a family. When we are not travelling we like to explore the varied Hong Kong terrain and spend plenty of time with friends."

Huge thanks to Sachiyo and Ivo for participating. To learn more about the relationships we share, please click here.

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